Danelle is passionate about working towards creative solutions to improve the quality of life of commuters, and developing programs that shift behavioral change.

Danelle Carey has an extensive background working in the public sector, specifically with local transportation agencies. Danelle’s focus is to make a positive impact on travel behavior change, and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) allows her to satisfy her focus while delivering meaningful work. She believes that even the smallest increments of change through TDM efforts can lead to big transformations. Danelle has solid experience in program management, development, and implementation. Her previous work has focused on managing a Countywide Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program, where she played a key leadership role in re-engaging communities, gathering stakeholders to identify needs and priorities, and completing a Countywide SR2S Plan Update. Prior to joining Foursquare ITP, Danelle worked for the West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee and served as the President of the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) Northern California Chapter.


MPA, Public Administration
San Francisco State University

BPA, Public Administration
University of San Francisco