Foursquare ITP delivered a regional bus alternative to expand capacity, improve reliability, and increase operational flexibility within the rail corridor shared by the Blue, Orange, and Silver (BOS) Metrorail lines. The primary purpose of the enhanced bus component of the lower capital cost alternative was to identify bus transit solutions that could address current and future BOS delays and crowding. This included the development of six new BRT corridors and over 50 new commuter bus routes.
Foursquare ITP led stakeholder engagement and developed the enhanced bus component of the ‘lower capital cost’ alternative, an alternative that involves less capital investment compared to the Metrorail build alternatives. This alternative scored highest in return on investment and met rail capacity goals to effectively shift users to new bus service.
Foursquare ITP developed the bus alternative using an innovative methodology for identifying commuter and BRT routes to attract riders off the BOS Metrorail lines. The methodology uses Metrorail rider survey data (origin and destination) to group traffic analysis zones into origin and destination travel sheds.
Ultimately, Foursquare ITP identified 50 commuter routes and six BRT corridors, complete with a service plan, stops, and bus priority treatments. We identified bus priority treatments for BRT routes at congestion hot spots to ensure they can maintain relatively high speeds and offer attractive travel times for commuters. Foursquare ITP developed all of the model inputs and operating and capital costs for this alternative.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Developed lower capital cost alternative, including identification of 50 commuter routes and six BRT corridors.
- Proposed service plan, stop locations, and priority treatments.