Philadelphia’s Delaware River Waterfront is undergoing a transformation from a largely industrial and commercial area to a vibrant recreation, leisure, and residential destination. Transit is key to realizing the community’s vision of the waterfront as a vibrant urban neighborhood. The Waterfront Transit Study takes an incremental approach to how transit access can be improved along the Delaware River over the next five to ten years. While there are long-term aspirations to build fixed-guideway transit like light rail along the Waterfront, in the short term better transit is needed to support the development that in turn would make major investments in transit infrastructure feasible.
This project took a broad look at how to improve transit access, from new or modified bus service, to urban design, wayfinding, and policy changes that would make existing service more effective.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Worked closely with the public, community groups, and stakeholders to create an inclusive vision for better transit along the Delaware River.