Foursquare ITP assisted the Vermont Transportation Agency (VTrans) in identifying statewide intercity bus needs to prioritize funding and examine potential expansion opportunities. Nearly nine years had elapsed since the previous intercity bus study was completed, and there were further complications due to COVID-19 impacts to travel demand in the state. VTrans needed an updated understanding of intercity bus demand across the state to prioritize funding.
We provided innovative approaches to identify intercity bus needs throughout the state. Our research included performing a statewide transit propensity analysis and comparing existing intercity bus service to identify underserved areas. We also analyzed access to colleges and universities, medical facilities, correctional facilities, ski areas and resorts, in addition to implementing a survey to providers.
Based on the analysis of demographic characteristics, key destinations, and the survey results, Foursquare ITP revealed two areas of significant transit propensity with no service. We identified two colleges and universities, two major medical facilities, two correctional facilities, and three resorts located more than 25 miles from an existing Vermont intercity bus stop.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Created statewide maps for key destinations and transit propensity; compared these to existing intercity bus to identify key demographic groups and destinations more than 10 or 25 miles from intercity bus stops.