Through our contract to run the District Department of Transportation’s (DDOT) goDCgo program, Foursquare ITP is responsible for promoting the awareness and use of all sustainable transportation modes in Washington, DC. The Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program for Schools (School Services) is a new initiative within goDCgo—also operated by Foursquare ITP—to address single-occupant vehicle travel and congestion to and from the District’s public, private, and charter schools. School Services launched on May 20, 2020.
Foursquare ITP developed the TDM for Schools Strategic Plan for DDOT that helped goDCgo School Services understand the travel patterns and behaviors of staff and students as they commute between home and school. The plan includes recommended strategies to shift travel behaviors away from driving alone to other modes such as walking, biking, carpooling, and taking public transit. School Services implements the strategic plan’s recommendations and works with schools on an individual basis to help them increase the use of sustainable transportation modes among their staff and students. Foursquare ITP staff on the School Services team provide DC schools individualized guidance through a suite of services that includes a tailored sustainable transportation plan, brochures, “get around guides” tailored to the school location, student and staff commute surveys, Capital Bikeshare memberships, and online and onsite events.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Created the TDM for Schools strategic plan for the District.
- Increased use of sustainable transportation modes among students and staff in Washington, DC.
- Customized “get around guides” guides created for each location.