Foursquare ITP, led by Principal Investigator Lora Byala, developed the TCRP Synthesis Report on Comprehensive Bus Network Redesign. The report was published in June 2019, and like many other TCRP reports, has been and will continue to be a key reference document for transit agencies across the country. This synthesis report for the Transit Cooperative Research Program of the Transportation Research Board summarizes the current practice and plans from across North America for bus system redesigns. The report offers insight to agencies at all phases of conducting or considering a bus network redesign with regard to system design, the planning and implementation process, governance, stakeholder engagement, and costs and funding. It comprises a literature review of both published and agency-published sources, a survey of nearly 40 transit agencies of all sizes and operating environments, and detailed case studies of agencies at varying points in their redesign process. The report was the most downloaded TCRP synthesis of 2019.
Solutions and Outcomes
- Key insights are outlines for agencies across the US on all phases conducting a bus network redesign.
- Published document where survey’s of nearly 40 transit agencies of all sizes and detailed case studies of agencies at varying points in their redesign process can be found in one place.