The Yorkshire Multimodal Corridor Study explores how Route 28 and connecting roadways in Yorkshire can be reimagined to create more vibrant public spaces that better meet the needs of people walking, biking, and taking transit. The Yorkshire corridor can be hostile and unsafe for people walking, biking, and accessing transit. Foursquare ITP was hired to generate and prioritize practical and impactful improvements that enhance connectivity, improve accessibility, and retain the community’s high quality of life.

Having identified a toolbox of transit priority treatments that included transit signal priority, queue jumps, and bus lanes, Foursquare ITP developed a plan for these treatments on three priority corridors. We made recommendations for individual intersections based on transit, freight, and vehicular traffic characteristics, signal characteristics, roadway layout, and between intersections based on traffic volumes and roadway layout. We also developed cost estimates and funding opportunities, alongside an implementation plan for the proposed treatments that were accepted by county officials and can be included in future transportation funding applications.  

Solutions and Outcomes
  • This report crafts a blueprint for local decision-makers and elected officials on how to enhance Route 28 and connecting linkages throughout Yorkshire.