The NVTC Regional ZEB Strategic Plan resulted in a series of strategies, recommendations, and policies that support the coordinated deployment of zero-emission buses across five Northern Virginia transit operators. Northern Virginia is served by multiple overlapping but independently operated transit agencies. As the region begins to transition to battery-electric buses and other zero-emission technologies, NVTC saw an opportunity to conduct a study on how agencies in the region can better coordinate the roll-out and implementation of these buses and their associated charging infrastructure.
Foursquare ITP leveraged its extensive experience working with transit operators across Northern Virginia for this study. Our team took a deep dive into the state of ZEB implementation in the region and identified opportunities for shared infrastructure and cooperation. We used our existing connections with operators to facilitate extensive engagement with operators to better understand their needs and constraints.
The project resulted in a strategic plan that identified how NVTC could support the region’s transition to ZEBs through a set of five initiatives. Recommendations included areas like creating a ZEB data clearinghouse for local operators to share information, supporting the creation of a workforce pipeline, developing private public partnerships, and improving interoperability through standardized infrastructure and operating procedures. The project was approved by the Commission in early 2024. The organization is moving forward with several of the recommendations today.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Developed strategies, recommendations, and policies to support the deployment of ZEB across Northern Virginia.