Foursquare ITP supported the update of TransAction, the long-range transportation plan for the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority. Northern Virginia is home to over two million residents. TransAction informs planning for the area’s ongoing population and job growth.
Foursquare ITP led several plan components: a needs assessment to determine transportation gaps, the development of “top-down” transportation projects, and the analysis of bicycle network improvements to facilitate their prioritization. To support public engagement, Foursquare ITP developed an interactive survey using the MetroQuest platform to gather input on the public’s transportation priorities. The survey findings directly informed the weighting given to various factors in the region’s project prioritization methodology. Our team also developed an interactive web map and video to share plan projects with the public.
Foursquare ITP also analyzed a wide range of data to understand unmet transportation needs. Based on those needs, we identified possible transit and trail projects not yet proposed by jurisdictions. We prioritized bicycle network improvements using Network Analyst, which facilitated accessibility analyses on the bicycle level of traffic stress network.
TransAction includes more than 400 prioritized projects, comprising over $75 billion in improvements. NVTA adopted the plan in December 2022.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Established existing conditions analyses to understand transportation need.
- Developed routable bicycle network based on level of traffic stress.
- Produced prioritization methodology to facilitate project comparisons.