The Lawrence Transit Route Redesign study examined different strategies and technologies to better connect communities and destinations throughout Lawrence—including the University of Kansas (KU)—and to prepare the system for a new transit center. This study provided an opportunity to take a fresh look at the existing transit network in Lawrence, identify the strengths and weaknesses of each route, and develop recommendations to address the changing mobility landscape in the city. This changing landscape includes a new multi-modal transfer facility along Bob Billings Parkway near Crestline Drive. However, to maximize the benefits of the new transit center, Lawrence’s transit network must be re-oriented around the new hub.
Foursquare ITP developed an implementable transit plan designed to reorient the system around the new transit center while improving overall system performance. Service recommendations were based on the guiding principles that service should be simple and that each route should include a strong mix of trip generators. The recommendations developed over the course of the study create a more efficient and effective transit network that incorporates the new Central Station at Bob Billings Parkway and allows for maximum flexibility in terms of future schedule adjustments in response to any changes in funding availability.
To better align transit supply with demand, the study recommended the implementation of peak and off-peak service frequencies. This approach, as opposed to constant schedules throughout the service day, resulted in operating cost savings, and allowed, for the first time, Sunday service throughout the City of Lawrence, in the form of app-based demand response service known as microtransit.

Solutions and Outcomes
- An implementable transit plan designed improve system performance and reorient the system around a new transit center.
- Introduction of Sunday service for the first time in the form of city-wide microtransit service.
- Implementation of recommendations began shortly after project completion and were completed within one year.