Hampton Roads Transit was the first transit agency in Virginia to develop and adopt a transit strategic plan (TSP), which subsequently served as an example TSP for providers throughout Virginia. Foursquare ITP developed HRT’s first major TSP in 2020 and has developed detailed annual updates each year since.
Previously, through the regional transformational transit project (also conducted by Foursquare ITP), HRT identified a need to significantly improve mobility in the region to create opportunities and bolster economic sustainability. Foursquare ITP used the findings from the alternative scenarios and extensive stakeholder and public engagement from this earlier study to develop detailed operating plans and financial plans for the 13-route regional network and all of the supporting local services.
The TSP comprehensively evaluated the transit market and services provided and offers detailed plans to support a 13-route Regional High-Frequency Network, along with supporting local fixed-route and on-demand services, in the six-city region. It also provided the agency an opportunity to update its service guidelines, leading to the creation of four new service category types, each with type specific levels of service and performance measures that will help to standardize bus service across the region.
Foursquare ITP is also assisting HRT research the benefits and drawbacks of different service operating models, including microtransit and ferry services. Additionally, we are providing scheduling assistance for the agency’s fixed-route bus service. Our efforts helped HRT successfully secure over $31 million in dedicated annual capital and operating funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia to fund the regional services. Our ongoing work with HRT has enabled us to develop a phased implementation plan for this service, which is being integrated with post-COVID service increases in concert with addressing the agency’s operator shortage.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Helped HRT obtain $31 million in annual dedicated transit funding in support of high frequency bus services.
- Initiated multiple microtransit pilot zones.
- HRT’s TSP report was used as an example for other TSPs in Virginia for the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).