Foursquare ITP worked with CapMetro to define key performance indicators (KPIs) and develop a dashboard in PowerBI that displays the agency’s progress on more than 40 metrics to track adherence to the agency’s strategic goals and objectives. CapMetro developed its agency Strategic Plan with the assistance of Foursquare ITP, identifying 80 KPIs to track progress toward the agency’s objectives. Collecting the data to report on these KPIs and developing a dashboard so that agency staff could easily see how they are performing was critical to ensuring that the strategic plan is implemented and is making a difference.
Foursquare ITP collected data and developed live feeds between CapMetro’s data to ensure that information is updated in real-time. We also worked with agency staff to develop targets for each metric, indicating what number is considered good, bad, or neutral related to the measure.
The resulting PowerBI dashboards contained an overall summary page with drill-down pages for detail on metrics in the areas of ridership, reliability, safety, finance, workforce, diversity/equity/inclusion, customer satisfaction, sustainability, and information technology. CapMetro’s senior management team now has a tool at their fingertips to review a wide variety of measures in all parts of its operation, providing them with the ability to make tailored adjustments to continue to improve.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Created internal, auto-updating dashboard to display agency-wide and department specific data.
- Developed enhanced data governance for a wide variety of metrics.
- Set targets for metrics with color-coded dashboard showing data trends.