The ATL Regional Transit Plan (ARTP) is required by statute to develop, annually review, and amend, as necessary, a regional transit plan. The ARTP and the Annual Report and Audit (ARA)—which Foursquare ITP also developed—are the primary work products for the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority and jointly inform policy and funding decisions. Recommending projects from an adopted ARTP to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, and Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget for State General Obligation bond funding is another statutory requirement of the ATL. This is a significant new opportunity for the Atlanta region to receive regular state funding to move forward strategic investments in transit and increases the consideration of available funds for transit projects in the region.
The 2022 ARTP establishes a vision and set of goals to identify transit projects based on stakeholder input and analyses, develops an implementation framework that focuses limited resources on priority projects to meet current and future system needs, identifies sustainable funding strategies to deliver cost-effective programs and projects, and develops a performance monitoring program to track progress in meeting the plan vision and goals.
This plan serves as the transit vision for the 13-county ATL region for the next four years with annual reviews and amendments as necessary thereafter and has helped the ATL to organize goals, project development, investment strategies, and implementation priorities. The network gap analysis, which Foursquare ITP had a key role in, is available here.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Developed data-driven analysis of equity-related and other transit service and coverage gaps.
- Identified sustainable funding strategies to deliver cost-effective programs and projects.
- Developed a performance monitoring program.