Foursquare ITP is developing comprehensive recommendations for the first phase of a plan to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of JTA’s bus network in a post-COVID environment. This project will reenvision the JTA fixed-route system to incorporate new service types that help the system recover in a post-pandemic world. Foursquare ITP developed the initial service changes to be implemented in September 2021, which included supporting bus stop updates, scheduling, and public outreach. Through an initial service evaluation of pre- and post-COVID service conditions, our team has created a backbone network that can be used to build upon new alternative modes of transit. Foursquare ITP’s initial service planning process has set the stage for Phase 2 of the plan to be developed, including an extensive public outreach campaign, a detailed service analysis, and a final scheduling process to create an efficient and equitable network.

Solutions and Outcomes
- Redesigned multiple fixed-route routes implemented in September 2021, including supporting bus stop updates, scheduling, and public outreach.
- Assisted with minor modifications in January 2022 to address customer feedback, on-time performance, and capital investments.
- Updated on-demand ReadiRide network with 15 enhanced zones implemented in June 2022.