Foursquare ITP Launches Reflect, a Platform for Public Transit Agencies to Improve Customer Trip Planning

June 3, 2021

Today, Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) is launching ReflectTM, a platform that helps public transit agencies produce high-quality transit schedules and deliver the right directions to customers on Google Maps and other websites and apps. Reflect catches inefficiencies ...

Foursquare ITP Announces New Hires to Support Growth in Communications, Engagement, and Visualization

February 18, 2021

Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) is pleased to welcome two specialists to our team to help build our expertise: Jerome Horne, Communications & Engagement Specialist, and Marc Szarkowski, Visualization Specialist. “We wanted to better serve our transit agency ...

Foursquare ITP’s Collaboration with the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)

February 9, 2021

Newly Released TCRP Research Report TCRP Research Report 221: Redesigning Transit Networks for the New Mobility Future has been published! Foursquare ITP was the lead contractor—in collaboration with Eno and AECOM—for this study that explored how public transit agencies have ...

Transit Equity Day

February 4, 2021

Today is Transit Equity Day, a day to raise awareness that access to high-quality public transit is a civil right. Public transit is part of the essential fabric of communities, particularly as a means for many low-income, people of color, ...

Foursquare ITP developed the Bus Priority Best Practices Synthesis for the National Capital Region

December 22, 2020

Bus operators in the National Capital Region provide over 164 million trips annually; however, bus speeds and reliability have declined over the past decade, limiting residents’ access to jobs and opportunities. Investing in bus priority treatments can improve bus speed, ...

  Synthesis Report
  Synthesis PowerPoint

Matthew Jones receives ACT TDM 40 Under 40 award

November 11, 2020

Congratulations to Matthew Jones for being named to the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) TDM 40 Under 40 list! Matt is the Hospitality Client Services Manager for goDCgo, the District Department of Transportation’s TDM program operated by Foursquare ITP. Matt ...

Foursquare ITP helps Muskegon, MI Roll Out Redesigned Transit Network

October 19, 2020

On September 28th, 2020, the Muskegon Area Transit System (MATS) launched a completely redesigned fixed-route transit network designed and planned by Foursquare ITP. This exciting day was the culmination of an 18-month process that began with a Route Study and ...

Transportation Data Science Team: Six Month Update

September 22, 2020

In March of this year we launched our new Transportation Data Science Team to grow our efforts in complex transit data analysis, web app development, and interactive data visualization on a greater scale. This work has only become more important ...

Foursquare ITP Announces New Hire to Support Growth in Florida

July 24, 2020

Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) is excited to announce the hiring of Doug Robinson as a Senior Transportation Planner and Florida Business Manager. Doug is based in Orlando and has over 20 years of transit and transportation planning ...

Greater Greater Washington: A new report strengthens the case for MARC “run-through” service to Virginia

July 15, 2020

Even with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s recent veto of a bill to study expanding MARC (Maryland Area Rail Commuter) service to Northern Virginia, the potential demand to bring “run-though” rail service across the Potomac River remains strong according to a ...

Foursquare ITP awarded Hampton Roads Transit GPC

June 15, 2020

At its May 28th meeting, the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads awarded Foursquare ITP its General Planning Consulting (GPC) contract. The contract is for two base years and one additional option year and is valued at up to $1.6 ...

Foursquare ITP developing a Promising Practices Guidebook

May 29, 2020

Foursquare ITP was selected to identify and research promising practices in transit technology adoption for the Community Transportation Association of America’s (CTAA) National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT). The project will feature interviews with small urban, rural, and tribal ...

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