Congratulations to our client, The District Department of Transportation (DDOT), for winning the 2022 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Excellence Award for Municipality!
Foursquare ITP is excited to announce the formation of our Advisory Board. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide input and advice to Foursquare ITP leadership on strategic decisions, high-level operations, and business strategy.
Foursquare ITP announces the appointment of new members and the expansion of responsibilities for its Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The new ELT is responsible for the company’s strategic growth, client satisfaction, employee development, and innovation.
Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) has been awarded the contract to operate goDCgo, the District of Columbia’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. This affords us the opportunity to continue growing the impact of TDM in DC, as we ...
Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning (Foursquare ITP) is thrilled to announce that Finn Vigeland, Marissa Cottrell, and Sofie Rhoads have successfully completed their AICP certifications! Finn Vigeland is a Transportation Planner who earned his AICP in August 2021. He has been ...
Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) prepared content for a free virtual on-demand course on geographic information systems (GIS) that the National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) released on June 30, 2022. The course, “N-CATT Free GIS Tools ...
Foursquare ITP is pleased to announce that we have been certified by the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) as a Certified Business Enterprise (CBE). By relocating our headquarters to DC in 2021, we were not only able to provide a ...
Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) is pleased to welcome Amy Maingault, Human Resources (HR) Manager, to the team. Foursquare ITP has grown to nearly 50 employees in the past few years and we’re thrilled to have Amy on ...
At our March retreat, we held our biannual Core Values Awards! Our Core Values Team creates initiatives to recognize employees who go above and beyond in exemplifying our values: Passion for the Profession, Dedication to Our Clients, Investment in Each ...
Assessing Equity and Identifying Impacts Associated with Bus Network Redesigns, developed by Foursquare ITP, documents the current state of the practice in defining, assessing, and addressing the equity impacts of bus network redesigns. The document focuses on evaluation and engagement ...
After completing our Public Transportation in Appalachia project last year, we presented the findings at recent conferences to share best practices and challenges and to ensure rural and Appalachian agencies are aware of the resources available to them. In November, ...
Last month, the City of Alexandria took the bold step to eliminate all fares on its DASH bus system. Behind the scenes, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board’s (TPB) Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) program played an important role in ...