Transit Along Managed Lanes

June 30, 2016 by Jessica Alvarez

Managed Lanes are an emerging concept in the transportation realm as an effective way to reduce congestion and maximize person throughput on highway facilities. It used to be that the mere mention of toll lanes brought about a sigh of ...

Foursquare ITP Rocks Austin!

June 8, 2016 by Lora Byala & Shana Johnson

From May 18th to 20th, Foursquare ITP President Lora Byala and Vice President Shana Johnson attended the Women’s Transportation Seminar International (WTS) conference in Austin, Texas and presented our work on the Maryland Transit Administration’s BaltimoreLink bus system redesign. Lora ...

TDM in the DMV
Transportation Demand Management in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area

April 29, 2016 by Shana R. Johnson, AICP

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is a somewhat daunting term that refers to the practice of promoting the use of public transportation and ridesharing options through marketing and education directed at the general public and employers. Traditional TDM strategies include strategies ...

Engaging the Public on Transit

April 14, 2016 by Michael Weinberger

Public outreach is more than a required part of the planning process, it is an opportunity to better understand how transit systems impact the communities that they serve and a key source of data that transit planners use to make ...

Country Roads, Take Me Home
Rerouting Transit in West Virginia's Eastern Panhandle

March 17, 2016 by Adam Recchia

Nestled in the Shenandoah Valley, the Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority (EPTA) operates in the area surrounding Martinsburg—the fastest growing city in West Virginia. Overdue for a plan that would improve their service and better meet the needs of the residents, ...

Foursquare ITP Turns 10!
From the Living Room to the 11th floor

February 26, 2016 by Lora Byala

In celebration of Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning’s 10th anniversary we are launching a blog! It will provide us an opportunity to share interesting projects that we are working on, lessons learned that are potentially helpful and of interest to clients ...

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