Thankful for Sustainable Transportation

November 15, 2022 by Elaine Ferrell

This Thanksgiving season, I’m reflecting on new things to be thankful for. Since joining Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning, Inc. (Foursquare ITP) in July, I am thankful to be able to contribute to our work in providing sustainable transportation.

Why I Commute by Bike

October 4, 2022 by Russell Pildes

September 22nd was World Car Free Day. Though many more days in the year can be car-free, people set aside this day specifically to travel by other means, including bicycling, walking, and using mass transit.

Outreach as an Integral Part of the Planning Process

September 6, 2022 by Lori Zeller

I became a planner because I wanted to have a positive impact on my community. As a transportation planner, my work focuses on providing access to affordable and plentiful transportation options that meet people’s daily travel needs.

How I Learned to Ride a Bike at Age 26

July 25, 2022 by Laura Duke

I didn’t know how to ride a bike for 26 years, despite growing up 106 yards from the Mount Vernon Trail! It wasn’t my parents’ fault—I have a twin sister who loves biking and even commuted on a bike when she didn’t own a car in Nashville; I simply wasn’t interested and gave up early.

The Benefits of Long-Term Relationships: A Case Study with Hampton Roads Transit

April 28, 2022 by Lora Byala

Some of the most rewarding work we do at Foursquare ITP is our collaboration with long-time clients. There are many situations where we are fortunate enough to establish long-term relationships with our clients where we feel like an extension of ...

Can your agency do more with its on-board survey data?

February 4, 2022 by Wylie Timmerman

Transit agencies depend on rider surveys to understand who their customers are and where they are traveling. Data derived from on-board rider surveys is used to guide planning decisions and conduct equity analyses critical to implementing transit system enhancements in ...

Fare-Free Transit

August 25, 2021 by Alanna McKeeman, Sofie Rhoads, Rebecca Martin

Fare-free transit is a topic that has been gaining momentum across the country for several years now. The pandemic and heightened public awareness of equity and racial justice issues have brought it even closer to the forefront of our industry, ...

What Attracts LGBTQIA+ People to Planning?

June 22, 2021 by Lori Zeller, Finn Vigeland, Sofie Rhoads, Jerome Horne

Have you noticed that there seem to be a lot of LGBTQIA+ people in urban and transportation planning? At Foursquare ITP, we have many valued members of our team who are queer. (We use “queer” in this post to be ...

Keeping Public Transit Riders Safe During the Pandemic

March 24, 2021 by Barbara Moreno

goDCgo, the District Department of Transportation’s Transportation Demand Management program operated by Foursquare ITP, has helped DC Circulator pivot their marketing and rider communication strategy to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. DC Circulator’s mission is to deliver affordable, comfortable, ...

Public Engagement at a Distance

December 11, 2020 by Alanna McKeeman

Public and stakeholder engagement is not only critical to the success of any planning project – it is also an imperative for professional planners. The American Institute of Certified Planners includes “giv[ing] people the opportunity to have a meaningful impact ...

Wellness in the Workplace During Uncertain Times

November 24, 2020 by Lindi Harron

It’s no secret that this year has been challenging and taxing on our mental and physical health. Globally, we are experiencing the stress of uncertainty, isolation, and rapid change. Wellness and stress management is crucial to getting us through this ...

Happy GIS Day!

November 18, 2020 by Jennifer Hopkins

Happy GIS Day! Here at Foursquare ITP it seems like every day is GIS day, but today we give special recognition to this powerful technology that shapes and reforms our daily work. But first, what is GIS? GIS, or Geographic ...

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