Newly Released TCRP Research Report
TCRP Research Report 221: Redesigning Transit Networks for the New Mobility Future has been published! Foursquare ITP was the lead contractor—in collaboration with Eno and AECOM—for this study that explored how public transit agencies have re-envisioned their services through comprehensive bus network redesigns and the integration of new mobility solutions in response to changes in travel demand and behavior, technology, and urban development. The report provides a range of best practices and guidance to help transit agencies and other public entities with all aspects of bus network redesigns, including large scale service planning and associated tasks, implementation, integration of new mobility, and ancillary improvements to complement bus network redesigns. It also features four agency-specific case studies exploring specific topics within bus network redesign and the integration of new mobility, and three toolkits that provide guidance for agencies considering bus network redesigns.
TCRP Synthesis SA-52 Underway
Foursquare ITP is currently leading TCRP Synthesis SA-52: Assessing Equity and Identifying Impacts Associated with Bus Network Redesigns. This synthesis project, a natural progression from TCRP Report 221, will document the current practice of how transit providers are defining, assessing, and addressing the equity impacts of bus network redesigns, including, but not limited to FTA Title VI regulatory requirements. Many agencies are undertaking redesigns that reallocate service from more peripheral areas to others where land use and demographic fundamentals indicate high ridership potential. However, despite its success in expanding ridership, the equity and justice impacts of bus network redesigns are poorly understood and often contentious. Our research is directly addressing this gap in understanding by focusing on how agencies are incorporating equity in a holistic fashion and ensuring use of inclusive public participation practices. The report will include a literature review, national survey, and a set of case studies focused on agencies that have successfully incorporated equity into bus network redesigns.
Participation on a TCRP Synthesis Panel
Alanna McKeeman, AICP is a panel member for TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SG-19: Paratransit Delivery Models for Small Systems. The Synthesis will identify the ways that small agencies are using various service models and strategies to address the challenges associated with the demand for demand response services—including ADA complementary paratransit—which is increasing, for many agencies, at a faster pace than their resource levels. As a panel member, Alanna is responsible for steering the direction of the project and providing input on key deliverables. Alanna is able to provide insights based on her experience working with clients seeking to provide demand response service as cost effectively as possible without sacrificing quality, and she is looking forward to learning about innovative practices from around the country!