When it was adopted in 2014, moveDC established a new standard for long-range multimodal transportation plans. Foursquare ITP will play a key role in the 2020 effort that will update the plan within a new mobility environment that has changed dramatically since then. This plan will update the District’s mobility policies and strategic direction for the years ahead within this changing mobility landscape. The goal of the update is to be able to proactively respond to continued growth and shifts in travel expectations, and shape future mobility for residents and businesses while being respectful of vibrant neighborhoods and existing communities. The moveDC 2020 update will also enhance the 2014 plan by focusing on performance goals to be tracked annually and used to select the District’s future transportation investment via the Transportation Improvement Program and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The 2020 plan will build upon moveDC’s modal policy and priority networks by setting policies and practices that ease the implementation of bus priority improvements, protect bicycle facilities, and other projects that prioritize District streets for and to safely move people. The plan will describe how progress will be achieved and how the achievements will be measured.
Foursquare ITP is leading Task 2 of the plan that will summarize baseline materials and produce an Existing Conditions Assessment. Task 2 will provide the foundation from which the rest of the project will be built by providing a comprehensive baseline and existing conditions. The task includes reviewing and assessing potential sources of baseline information, including past plans and ongoing efforts, inventorying data, and updating base maps for all modes. As part of this effort Foursquare ITP will also update all of the data and maps produced as part of the District Mobility effort (www.districtmobility.com) including multimodal delay, travel time, reliability, and access. Foursquare ITP will also support all other tasks of the plan including Goals and Policy Development, Community Engagement and Communications, and development of the updated moveDC 2020 plan itself. Within these tasks Foursquare ITP will lead all elements related to transit.