Foursquare ITP supported the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of Planning and Capital Programming in the translation of existing conditions into an actionable plan for the improvement of active transportation infrastructure throughout the state. 

Foursquare ITP’s accessibility analyses facilitated the evaluation and recommendation of measures to expand and connect Maryland’s active transportation network, emphasizing context-based infrastructure. This work involved updating and strengthening MDOT bicycle and pedestrian policies and practices, including existing tools and performance metrics such as Short Trip Opportunity Areas, level of traffic stress and associated bicycle accessibility scores, and an equity framework based on Justice40. MDOT published the 2050 Maryland Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan alongside the 2050 Maryland Transportation Plan. The plan recommends initiatives and actions for both short- and long-term implementation to accomplish the state’s active mobility goals.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can read the 2050 Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 

Solutions and Outcomes
  • Specific guidance for developing context-driven active transportation investments.
  • Frameworks for the identification and prioritization of improvements.