Foursquare ITP is helping OmniRide to define a Best Workplaces for Commuters (BWC) program, creating collateral and a BWC website, and engaging employers directly through outreach over a multi-year period. OmniRide approached Foursquare ITP to ask for help to develop a BWC program. They want the program to include the creation of collateral, BWC website, and engaging employers directly through outreach over a multi-year period.

Foursquare ITP is developing a customized program for OmniRide to enroll and recognize employers as national Best Workplaces for Commuters. The program will leverage best practices, stakeholder feedback, and align with OmniRide’s strategic plan. Foursquare ITP will also help OmniRide implement the plan and recruit employers.

Solutions and Outcomes
  • Produce an existing conditions and recommended practices memo.
  • Deliver a BWC strategic plan.
  • Create a consistent marketing plan, including social media, brochures, quarterly newsletters, website, and database maintenance.